# 兔然就过年了 # # 兔然暴富 #Perennial repurchase - instant noodles, Korean ramen 🍜! Although there is no seasoning package in the instant noodles, but I can adjust the taste casually and it is very delicious. This type of instant noodles, the noodles are smooth and tough, not easy to break, and the strips are distinct, and they will not become lumps after cooking for a long time. Super - a Korean style, a good thing worth recommending!
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# 兔然就过年了 # # 兔然暴富 #常年回购之-的方便面,韩国的拉面🍜!虽然没有方便面里面没有搭配调料包,但是我随便调一下味道也是非常好吃的-款方便面,面条香滑有韧性,不容易断,条条分明,煮久了也不会糊成-团,性价比超级的-款韩国方面,值得推荐的好物!