# 兔然就过年了 # 14. Chongqing Laokong Sichuan Cuisine Seasoning Mapo Tofu 150g. [I really tried my best and couldn't find the tag of this product no matter how I typed it in, I can only post a tag randomly], recommend, recommend, recommend. Without those annoying prickly ash peppers, you no longer have to pick and choose when eating. There are 3 small bags in one bag, which is very suitable for people who live alone. Add water to boil each pouch, then put tofu in and cook. A small portion is just enough for one person to eat. I added fish cakes, diced chicken, and rapeseed. After eating it for two or three days, I used up all 3 bags... The taste is a little different than the one I added with onion, ginger, garlic + Pixian bean paste. But it's convenient, and it's recommended.
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# 兔然就过年了 # 14.重庆老孔 川菜调味料 麻婆豆腐 150g。【我真的尽力了怎么输入都找不到这个商品的tag,我只能随便挂一个tag上来了】,推荐推荐推荐。没有那些烦人的花椒辣椒,吃的时候再也不用挑挑拣拣。一个袋子里分了3小袋,十分适合独居的人。每个小袋就加水煮开再放豆腐进去煮煮结束,一小份刚好单人吃。我又额外加了鱼饼鸡丁油菜,连着吃了两三天,3袋子都用光了.....味道要比自己加了葱姜蒜+郫县豆瓣酱调出来的有些区别,但是胜在方便,还是推荐的。