#兔然就过年了# Thank you Yami's big fan @bobo19 for the recommendation Fangjiapuzi Honeysuckle tea clears heat, detoxifies and cools blood, freshens breath and delays aging! I am deeply impressed by other products of Fangjiapu, quality assurance, quality assurance...it is really a representative brand of the light of domestic products! One of the food brands not to be missed! Traditional Chinese medicine believes that honeysuckle has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxification, dredging the throat, and relieving heat and annoyance. I drank a cup last night, it was a bit bitter and sweet, it tasted good, I plan to drink it with jasmine tea next time! TCM advice: Under normal circumstances, honeysuckle is only taken when the body is on fire, etc. It is advisable to take about 10 grams each time, and brew it with boiling water. It is best not to drink it every day, otherwise it will easily affect the health of the stomach.
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# 兔然就过年了 ## 兔然暴富 # 多谢亚米的大粉丝 @bobo19的推荐 方家铺子 金银花茶 清热解毒凉血 清新口气延缓衰老!方家铺子的其他产品我有很深的印象,质量保证,品质保证…真的是国货之光的代表品牌!不可错过的食品品牌之一! 中医认为金银花有清热解毒,疏利咽喉,消暑除烦的作用。昨晚喝了一杯,有点苦又有一点甘,味道不错,下次打算和茉莉花茶一起泡着喝! 中医建议:正常情况下,只有在身体出现上火等情况的时候才服用金银花,每次大约取10克左右为宜,用开水冲泡饮用,最好不要每天喝,否则容易影响肠胃健康.