#兔然就过年了# Traditional Chinese medicine believes that lotus root can nourish the five internal organs, harmonize the spleen and stomach, and nourish blood and qi. Raw lotus root is sweet and cool in nature, and after being processed into lotus root powder, its nature changes from cold to warm, and it is very easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body. I found that the brand "Fangjiapuzi" is really amazing. Their products are all authentic products. This is the best sweet-scented osmanthus nut lotus root powder I have ever tasted! There are so many sweet-scented osmanthus in it! Sweet, delicious and nutritious!
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# 兔然就过年了 ## 兔然暴富 # 中医们认为藕能补五脏,和脾胃,益血补气。生藕性味甘凉,加工成藕粉后其性也由凉变温,而且非常容易被人体消化吸收,还有生津清热、养胃滋阴、健脾益气、养血止血之功效。 我发现”方家铺子”这个品牌真的超级赞,他家的产品都是真材实料的产品,这是我吃过最好吃的桂花果仁藕粉了!里面的桂花超级多!香甜可口美味营养!