# 兔然就过年了 # 29. Japanese Igarashi Igarashi Hakata Pork Bone Soup Ramen 3 servings 330g. I checked my eyes, but I couldn't find the product tag😢. To be honest, I don't think this is like tonkotsu ramen...It should be Japanese-style three fresh noodles, and the whole taste is extremely bland. Later, I tried again to boil the noodles directly with the soup bag mixed with water (the instructions said that the noodles were boiled with water and then put into the soup bag (the soup bag was washed with water)). Noodles can be regarded as tasty, delicious a lot. Eat it according to the instructions, it is similar to the light taste of Sanxian Yi noodles. Eat according to my improved method, that is, instant food is more delicious and 40% close to the taste of Japanese ramen. Although I will not repurchase, I will not give a bad review.
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# 兔然就过年了 # 29.日本Igarashi五十岚 博多豚骨汤拉面 3人份 330g。确认过眼神,也是搜不出来商品tag的东西😢。说实话我觉得这个不像是豚骨拉面...应该是日式的三鲜伊面,整个味道淡的不得了。后来我又试了一次直接用汤包兑水煮面(说明说是面条用水煮好了之后放到汤包里(汤包用水冲开))。 面条可算是进味了,好吃了不少。按照说明书吃,就是类似三鲜伊面那种淡口的。按照我的改良法子吃,就是速食的比较好吃40%接近日式拉面的味儿。虽然不会回购,但是不会给差评。