#兔然就过年了# It’s the first time I bought this beef noodle from Cannibals. It’s a rough order. The taste is not bad, and there are many kinds of ingredients. There are 7 packs in total, which is quite rich. The fly in the ointment is that the portion of the noodles 🫓 is a bit small, even a girl like me can’t get enough, let alone a boy. But the beef soup is quite delicious, so I feel that it will be delicious if I add a la carte next time
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# 兔然就过年了 # 食族人的这款牛肉面是第一次购买,凑单的,味道还可以,料包种类也很多,总共有7包,还挺丰富的。美中不足的就是面饼🫓分量实在有点小,我一个女生吃都觉得吃不饱,就更别提男生了。不过牛肉汤倒是还挺好喝的,所以感觉自己下次加点菜进去也会挺好吃的