#兔然就过年了# This red-packed tiramisu-flavored biscuit stick is a ready-made Chinese New Year product, full of red Chinese New Year flavor. The biscuit sticks are made of whole wheat flour and wheat flour, which contain dietary fiber and help maintain normal intestinal function. The outer layer of the biscuit sticks is a thin layer of chocolate, and the center is filled with tiramisu flavor. After all, it tastes like a cake. I thought it was very sweet, but it didn't taste like it. The biscuit sticks are very crispy, and I can't stop eating one after another! The only downside is that there are only two small bags in one box. Each small bag contains 8 biscuit sticks. This is not enough for food, and the whole box will be eaten in a short while!
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# 兔然就过年了 # 這款大紅包裝的提拉米蘇味注心餅乾棒就是現成的年貨啊,紅紅的年味十足。餅乾棒是有全麥粉和小麥粉製作而成,含有膳食纖維,有助於維持正常的腸道功能,餅乾棒的外層是薄薄的一層巧克力,注心是提拉米蘇味內餡,畢竟是蛋糕口味,本以為就是很甜,然而吃起來並沒有,餅乾棒很脆口,一根接一根的簡直停不下口!唯一不足的就是一盒裡面就兩小袋的獨立包裝,每小袋裡面是8根的餅乾棒,這完全不夠吃,不一會就整盒給吃完了啦!