#兔然就过年了# Yamibuy New Year I 3 Minutes Instant Lanzhou Ramen It's been a long time since I went to Dunhuang to check in the beef ramen When shopping for fast food, I added a bag This brand seems to be the first time to check in A bag of noodles, beef stock and various seasonings There is also a small bag of vegetarian meat No. 9 in the style of snacks After the noodles are boiled, remove them from the cold water However, the taste of the noodles is not very strong. The bagged oily chili oil in the ingredients is the essence Poured into a full bag, it will not be too spicy The seasoning will be slightly lighter, and the soup base will not be thick
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# 兔然就过年了 # 亚米年货 I 三分钟速食兰州拉面 很久没有去敦煌打卡牛肉拉面了 逛速食的时候,便随手加了一袋 这个牌子的好像还是第一次打卡 一袋面条,牛肉原汤以及各式调料 还有一小袋零食样式的9号素肉 面条等待煮沸后就捞出过了凉水 不过感觉面条口感并不是很劲道 配料中的袋装油泼辣子油是精髓 倒入了满满的一袋,也不会太辣 调味会稍微偏淡,汤底略不浓稠