#兔然就过年了# Today I really want to complain about this Joyoung electric cake stall. I bought one for myself nearly two years ago, because it was easy to use, as a birthday present, I bought another one for my family, and I recommended and bought it to many friends in the group. During the process of using it a month ago, I found that the chassis was not heated, and various attempts were ineffective. Then I contacted the customer service, and the reply was that the one-year warranty period had expired, so I had to admit that I was unlucky. I can’t do without the electric cake stall in my life, so buy another one, I feel bad, don’t buy it, this electric cake stall that I maintain like new is purely a decoration. It's useless to keep it, it's a pity to discard it, it really makes people happy and worrying
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# 兔然就过年了 # 今天很想吐槽一下这款九阳电饼档。将近两年前给自己买了一个,因为好用,作为生日礼物,又给家人买了一个,并且在群里给很多群友推荐并购买。一个月前正在使用的过程中,发现底盘不加热了,做了各种尝试均无效,随联系了客服,得到答复是已经过了一年保修期,只得自认倒霉。生活中已离不开电饼档,再买一个吧,心疼,不买吧,这款被我保养如新的电饼档纯粹是个摆设。留着无用,弃之可惜,真是让人欢喜让人忧