#兔然就过年了# Ranli Twist is really easy to be out of stock Because of the short shelf life Every time a batch is sold out, I have to wait for a long time But don't dare to stock up too much Mainly because of fear of expiry This time I bought two of each of the two flavors. exactly have breakfast I'm hungry at night, it's good for supper Toast in the oven before eating hot more delicious
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# 兔然就过年了 # 然利麻花真的太容易缺货啦 因为保质期很短 每次卖完一批都要望眼欲穿的等待很久 但是有货也不敢囤太多 主要是怕过期嘛 这次两种口味的各买了两根 正好 早饭吃 晚上饿了 当夜宵也不错 吃之前用烤箱toast一下 热热的 更好吃呢