#兔然就过年了# The brand of cooking wine is different every time I buy it. I feel that this thing is basically the same. Some have higher alcohol content and some have lower alcohol content. However, it seems that the effect of removing fishy smell is not bad. Wonton dumplings, Stir-fried meat is a must, and it is also a small item for wireless stockpiling
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# 兔然就过年了 # 料酒每次买的牌子都不大一样,感觉这东西基本上换哪个都差不多,有的酒精度高点有的低一点,可是用来除腥味好像效果也都大差不差,包饺子馄饨,炒肉类必备,也是个无线囤货的凑单小物了