# 兔然就过年了 #Fangjiapuzi snow honey is packed in a transparent plastic jar, which is very simple and clean. When the tin foil is opened, a strong fragrance of flowers and honey permeates the surrounding area. The mouth of the jar is designed to be large and easy to take honey, which is very convenient. There are two layers, the top is snow-white snow honey like frost, and the bottom is pure 100% thick linden tree honey. The two can be fully stirred before eating. Looking at the temptation, I couldn't help but take a sip first, eat it directly, the taste is mellow and silky, delicate and sweet, not sweet at all, super delicious!
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# 兔然就过年了 #方家铺子雪蜜装在透明的塑料罐中,非常简洁干净,打开锡纸,一阵浓郁地花香与蜂蜜香,弥漫着四周,罐口设计很大,容易取蜜,十分方便。有两层分层,最上面是雪白雪白的,类似霜状的雪蜜,底下是纯正100%浓稠的椴树雪蜜,食用之前可以将两者充分地搅拌均匀。看着满满地诱惑,忍不住先来一口,直接吃,口感醇香丝滑,细腻清甜,一点都不会齁甜,超级美味可口!