#兔然就过年了# Every daylily is complete and has no peculiar smell With the Northeast autumn fungus bought before It's just right to make stewed chicken stew with fungus and day lily 1. Wash the fungus and daylily, soak in cold water, and cut off the stalks after soaking until soft. Blanch it with boiling water for later use. 2. Boneless chicken thighs and cut into small pieces, marinate with cooking wine, soy sauce and pepper for more than half an hour 3. Heat the casserole and pour in an appropriate amount of oil, pour in the chicken pieces and stir-fry until the surface turns white, add the fungus and day lily and mix well. Cover the pot and simmer for 15-20 minutes. The benefits of daylily are many There are hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, heat-clearing, dampness, digestion, Efficacy of improving eyesight and calming the mind Containing carotene is several times more than tomato
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# 兔然就过年了 # 每条黄花菜都很完整也没有异味 配上之前买的东北秋木耳 正好可以做木耳黄花菜焖鸡肉煲 1. 木耳、黄花菜洗净后泡冷水,待泡软后再稍微剪去蒂头。再用开水汆烫一下备用。 2. 鸡腿肉去骨切成小块,料酒、酱油、胡椒粉略微腌制半小时以上 3. 砂锅加热倒入适量油,倒入鸡肉块翻炒至表面变白色,加入木耳和黄花菜拌匀。盖上锅盖焖15-20分钟即可。 黄花菜的好处很多 有止血、消炎、清热、利湿、消食、 明目安神的功效 所含的胡萝卜素还超过西红柿的几倍