#情你收下吧!# Japanese S&B Japanese beef risotto with sauce. This is really highly recommended to everyone, I don’t know how many times I have repurchased it. The method of this thing is the same as that of curry. Cook the beef and shiitake mushrooms in water, then add the sauce cube, cook until it is thick, and then put it on the rice. It is very delicious.
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# 情你收下吧! # 日本S&B日式牛肉烩饭烧汁。这个真的是强力推荐给大家,不知道我回购多少次了。这个东西的做法和咖喱一样,把牛肉,香菇什么放水里煮熟,然后放入这个酱料块,煮至粘稠就好,然后放在米饭上,特别好吃。