# 情你收下吧! #Lu Shampoo is really good value for money. Such a large 550ml bottle of Yami sells for $8.99 all the year round, and occasionally even drops the price to $5.99. How can such a good price be resisted? Anyway, the shampoo is used very quickly Yes, there is no pressure to stock up on three or five bottles
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# 情你收下吧! #吕洗发水性价比真的很好了,这么大一瓶550毫升亚米上常年卖$8.99,偶尔甚至降价到$5.99,这么好的价格怎么可能忍住不下手,反正洗发水用的蛮快的,囤个三五瓶没压力