#春季养身计划# The first time I ate freeze-dried porridge, it was much better than I imagined 😚 Unexpectedly, this seafood porridge is quite delicious. There are kelp sprouts, freeze-dried squid slices and a packet of oats. It is so convenient to make a small cup! The main reason is that the taste is very good, although it is not as attractive as the photo! After eating it, I think about buying it again. There are other flavors that I will buy and try 🤣🤣 yeah...
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# 春季养身计划 # 第一次吃冻干粥,比想象中的好太多了😚 没想到这款海鲜粥还挺好吃,有海带嫩芽,冻干鱿鱼片还配有一包燕麦,这样冲泡一小杯可真是太方便了!主要是味道很不错,虽然没有照片上那么诱人! 吃完就想着再回购啊, 还有其他口味到时都会买来试试🤣🤣耶……