#春季养身计划# The health plan starts with eating clear soup hot pot Spicy lovers used to be spicy hot pot I don't like spicy food, but too spicy is not enough for health. I first bought Haidilao's clear soup hot pot base The ingredients for shabu-shabu are also very healthy White radish, these are very good ingredients As the saying goes, when the carrots come down, the hospital closes. It can be seen that eating white radish in winter is especially good for the body Of course there must be meat supplement protein? It's not bad to eat this clear soup hot pot Health and wellness is what it is
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# 春季养身计划 # 养生计划从 吃清汤火锅开始吧 嗜辣星人 之前顿顿都是辣火锅 无辣不欢 但是太辣毕竟不够养生啊 先买了海底捞的清汤火锅底料 涮的食材 也十分养生 白萝卜啊这些 都是特别好的食材 俗话说 萝卜下来 医院关门 可见白萝卜 冬天吃 对身体特别好 当然也要有肉肉啦 补充蛋白质嘛 这顿清汤火锅吃下来 也不错 健康 养生 就是它啦