#春季养身计划# Healthy soy milk in spring ➡️ I usually like to drink soy milk, but I am too lazy to make it myself. This kind of brewing type is very convenient👌 Yonghe Soymilk's original mill flavor is rich in red dates, and the taste is delicate and mellow! No beany smell! Sometimes it is not easy to soak, but it can still be washed with a lot of stirring! It is also very nutritious to serve with some bread for breakfast. High in protein and low in fat, it is very suitable for everyone. generation! It's very warm to have a cup in the morning 😌
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# 春季养身计划 # 春季养身健康豆浆➡️ 平时挺喜欢喝豆浆的只是懒得自己做,这种冲泡型的就非常方便👌 永和豆浆的原磨风味红枣味浓郁,口感细腻醇厚!没有豆腥味!有时候比较不好泡开但多多搅拌还是能冲开! 当早餐配点面包也很营养哦蛋白高、脂肪低很适合各个 年龄段!早上来上一杯很温暖啊😌