#春季养身计划# I bought a can at Yami, Heizhiyang Walnut Sesame Black Bean Powder, a healthy food produced by Wugumofang, high in calcium, high in protein, high in dietary fiber, zero added flavor, coloring, and sweetener, with a net content of 600 grams. The method of consumption is: take two servings with the attached spoon, add 200 ml, and mix with warm water above 85 degrees. If you eat it with oatmeal or fruit, you can add less hot water to make it thicker. Properly brewed, fragrant and soft, delicate in taste and rich in nutrition, the main functions of the description are: promoting the growth of black hair, repairing damage caused by staying up late, nourishing the liver and kidney and brain, and it is a health food.
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# 春季养身计划 # 在亚米买了罐,黑之养核桃芝麻黑豆粉,五谷磨房出产的健康食品,高钙、高蛋白、高膳食纤维,零添加香精、色素、甜味剂,净含量六百克。 食用方法是:用配带的勺取两份,加二百毫升,八十五度以上温开水调和,如和燕麦片、水果一起吃,可少放些热水,做得稍浓稠些。 冲调得当、香浓绵柔,口感细腻、营养丰富,说明的主要作用有:促进生长黑发,修复熬夜损伤,补肝肾益智脑,为养生保健食品。