#春季养身计划# Not long ago, I bought a bag of SHIRAKIKU Sanuki high-quality round glutinous rice in Yami, Japan, with a net weight of two pounds and a price of $3.99 at the time. I have tried the frozen udon noodles of Sanuki House and it is delicious. This is the first time I bought this high-quality round glutinous rice; the organic black rice in Xinglongken Ecological Town has the advantages of improving eyesight, nourishing the liver, and preventing gray hair. I am going to mix the rice , Boil a pot of crab leg porridge to drink.
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# 春季养身计划 # 前不久在亚米买了一袋,日本 SHIRAKIKU 赞岐屋上等圆糯米,净含量为两磅,当时售价 3.99 美元,适用于制作米饭、汤圆、粽子等,是款养生的美食。 尝试过赞岐屋的冷冻乌冬面很好吃,这款上等圆糯米第一次买;兴龙垦生态小镇有机黑米,有明目养肝、防治白发等优点,准备把米混合,熬锅蟹腿粥喝。