#春季养身计划# I have eaten some black sesame paste, but the first attempt of Ma Yushan brand, the main ingredients are sugar, black sesame, wheat flour, each bag is 420 grams, and it is divided into 14 independent packets, with a shelf life of two years. The brewing methods are as follows: pour the powder into the tableware, 1. 100 degrees Celsius boiling water, 250-300ml, brew with hot drinks; 2. Ice milk or ice soy milk 250-300ml, brew with cold drinks, 3. Stir well and drink . The powder of sesame paste is fine, pour into the tableware and form some small balls, lightly press to loosen and fluffy, first use the hot drink method, the 250ml water volume is a little thin, and the bottom is slightly thick, then the cold drink method, the 200ml water volume is more in line with the state of paste. Fragrant black sesame paste, pure taste, ready-to-eat, convenient and quick, drink hot drinks when it is cold, drink cold drinks when it is hot, smooth and delicious, supplement physical fitness, a variety of nutrition, good fitness products. Product features of Ma Yushan GREENMAX black sesame paste: Add vitamins and other nutrients needed by the human body; use large black sesame and yam as raw materials, handmade, carefully prepared, with a strong sesame fragrance.
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# 春季养身计划 # 黑芝麻糊吃过些,但马玉山牌子的第一次尝试,主要配料有砂糖,黑芝麻,小麦粉 ,每袋420克,里面分装成独立的14小包,保质期为两年。 冲泡方法有:倒入粉末于食器中,1、100摄氏度沸水,250-300毫升,热饮冲泡;2、冰牛奶或冰豆浆250-300毫升,冷饮冲泡,3、搅拌均匀即可饮用。 芝麻糊粉末细腻,倒入食器有些结小球,轻按散开蓬松,首先用热饮法,250ml的水量有些稀,最底部稍浓稠,接着冷饮法,200ml的水量更符合糊的状态。 香浓四溢的黑芝麻糊,口味纯正、冲泡即食、方便快捷,天冷时喝热饮,天热时喝冷饮,香滑可口、补充体能,多种营养、健身佳品。 马玉山GREENMAX黑芝麻糊商品特征:添加了人体所需的维生素等营养成分;选用大粒黑芝麻和山药为原料,手工制作,用心调制,具有芝麻浓郁的香味。