#春季养身计划# Fangjiapu’s real grain solid black sesame balls, the product is added with pure honey, with a net content of 144 grams, received in a red square, transparent plastic box, priced at US$5.24 at that time, easily tear open the individually packaged red pouch , the color of sesame balls is black and bright, the particles are round and full, the sesame aroma is very strong, the taste is slightly sweet, chewing is not sticky, many black sesame seeds are gathered together, and they are not completely loose. It is a health-preserving delicacy.
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# 春季养身计划 # 方家铺子的真粒固本黑芝麻丸,产品添加的是纯蜂蜜,净含量 144 克,收到后是个红色正方形的,透明塑料盒,当时售价 5.24 美元,轻松撕开独立包装的红色小袋,芝麻丸颜色黑亮,颗粒圆润饱满,芝麻香非常浓郁,口感微甜、嚼着不粘,很多黑芝麻粒汇集在一起,没有完全松散开,是一款养生美食。