# 春季养身计划 #Korean green tea chocolate pie, which contains 12 individually wrapped chocolate pies, easy to carry and hygienic! This chocolate green tea pie is soft and delicious when you bite it, and you can still taste the fragrance of green tea. It is soft and delicious. The sandwich in the middle feels like cotton candy. It is combined with chocolate and cake body. , very nice little dessert!
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# 春季养身计划 #韩国的绿茶巧克力派,里面有12枚独立包装的巧克力派,携带方便又卫生!这款巧克力绿茶派咬下去松软可口,还能吃到绿茶的清香味,松软可口,中间的夹心像是绵花糖的感觉,与巧克力与蛋糕体结合在一起,不会太甜,甜度恰好,很不错的小甜食!