#春季养身计划# The health plan is to eat as much as you want A bonus for an occasional meal is also nice Japanese mayonnaise is really a must-have at home It tastes good with any food American mayonnaise always feels a slightly irritating sour taste Japanese mayonnaise is different It is more of a touch of sweetness and a relatively refreshing mayonnaise Japanese mayonnaise is very versatile Japanese mayonnaise simple breakfast It can also be used to make meat floss scallops It can also be served with kimbap It can also be used directly with fried chicken barbecue Just brought along with the discounted chicken tenderloin I recently bought at Costco The feeling of going back to the domestic snack street in a second
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# 春季养身计划 # 养生计划就是想吃就吃 偶然一餐的奖励也不错 日式美乃滋真的是居家必备啊 随便什么食材蘸上它都好吃 美式美乃滋总觉得有种略微刺激的酸味在 而日式美乃滋就不同了 更多是淡淡的清甜 是相对清爽的美乃滋 日式美乃滋十分的百搭 日式美乃滋 简易早餐 既可以用来做肉松小贝 也可以搭配紫菜包饭 还可以直接配着炸鸡烤肉使用 刚好带配我最近入手的Costco打折鸡柳 一秒穿回国内小吃街的感觉