#春季养身计划# It was the first time I drank Vita Honey Chrysanthemum Tea and thought it would be particularly sweet! However, the faint fragrance of chrysanthemums and honey are refreshing and moisturizing. After eating a big meal in the festival, come to a bottle of iced one, which can not only quench your thirst but also reduce your fire! Very refreshing 😆
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# 春季养身计划 # 第一次喝维他蜜糖菊花茶以为会特别甜腻的那种! 然而淡淡的菊花清香加上蜂蜜,清热又滋润, 在节日里吃完大餐来瓶冰镇的,既解渴又降火! 特别爽快😆