#春季养身计划# Spring health regimen starts from invigorating the stomach and eliminating food This Hawthorn Sherry Ball It's really a sweet and sour hawthorn smell when you open the package Tongue 👅 was drowned by saliva in an instant There are a dozen or twenty small individual packages inside Inside each are two hawthorn sherry balls In fact, it is the practice of hawthorn slices. It's just made into a ball and covered with a thin layer of granulated sugar The ingredients are simple, only sugar and hawthorn Sweet and sour super appetizing
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# 春季养身计划 # 春季养生 从健胃消食开始 这个山楂雪丽球 真的是打开包装就一股甜甜酸酸的山楂味道扑鼻而来 瞬间舌头👅就被口水给淹没了 里面有十几二十个小的独立包装 每个里面是两颗山楂雪丽球 其实就是山楂片一类的做法 只是做成球状 外面再粘了一层薄薄的砂糖 配料简单 只有糖和山楂 酸酸甜甜超级开胃