#春季养身计划# Relatively friendly oatmeal biscuits Chocolate Flavored Cookies Fragrant and crunchy, with a little bit of cocoa "bitter" It doesn't taste sweet at all The fragrance is very prominent This is a combination of oatmeal and chocolate In the process of eating, you can still vaguely see the grains of oatmeal So it's a delicious and crunchy biscuit It feels like a little coarse grain Perfect as a snack to satisfy hunger Delicious, anti-hunger and satiety
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# 春季养身计划 # 养身相对友好的燕麦小饼干 巧克力味的小饼干 香香脆脆的 还有那么一丢丢可可“苦” 吃起来甜味一点不明显 香味倒是很突出 这款是燕麦与巧克力的结合 吃的过程中 还能隐隐约约看到燕麦的颗粒 所以是香香脆脆的小饼干 搭配一丢丢粗粮的感觉 特别适合作为充饥小零食 又好吃又抗饿又有饱腹感