#亚米经验值+1# I remember that when I was a child, I didn’t like milk but I loved milk tablets. It probably felt like I was eating sugar. It’s sweet and delicious. After coming to the United States, I didn’t see milk tablets anymore. This time I saw milk tablets at YAMI by chance. Although it is not the brand I ate when I was young, it is still full of childhood memories! The package is not big, and the one that has been torn off the outer package has a very strong milk flavor. You can see that there are about 20 pieces of milk tablets inside. It is really full of milk flavor after eating one piece, and there is a little coconut fragrance. Before I knew it, I couldn't stop talking piece by piece! In addition to the coconut milk flavor, there is also a Thai milk tea flavor in the same series. This flavor seems a bit interesting, and I plan to buy it back and try it!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 記得小時候不愛喝牛奶但卻很愛吃奶片,大概感覺上是在吃糖吧,甜甜的很好吃的。後來到美國後都沒看到有奶片了,這次偶然間在 YAMI 亚米 看到奶片,雖然不是小時候吃的品牌,但也是滿滿的童年回憶啦! 包裝不大,撕開外包裝的一款就是很香濃的奶味,可以看到裡面大概有20多片的奶片吧,吃上一片果然是奶味十足,還有一點淡淡的椰子香,不知不覺中一片一片的停不下口!除了椰奶味之外,同系列還有一款泰式奶茶味,這口味好像有點意思,打算也買回來試試吧 !