#亚米经验值+1# YAMI Yami is simply a treasure trove of childhood snacks! Recently, I bought the hawthorn biscuits that I loved when I was a child! I really don’t remember how many years ago it was the last time I ate this kind of hawthorn cake in a small cylinder. Although I don’t know if this is the brand I ate when I was a child, the packaging is exactly the same! The hawthorn cake I bought in Yami has 10 small individually wrapped hawthorn cakes in a pack. Opening the wrapping paper, there are also thin round hawthorn slices inside. There are about a dozen slices in each piece. Take a bite of sweet and sour, it is still the same as before, and you can’t stop eating one piece at a time! Repurchase now!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # YAMI 亚米 簡直就是一個能挖掘到童年零食的大寶藏啊!最近買到了小時候特別愛吃的山楂餅啦! 真的不記得上一次吃這種小圓柱裝的山楂餅是多少年前的事情了,雖然不知道這款是不是童年時候吃的那個品牌,但是這外形包裝簡直就是一模一樣! 在亚米買的這款山楂餅,一包裡面有10小個獨立包裝的山楂餅。打開包裝紙裡面也是薄薄的圓形山楂片,每個裡面大概有十來片吧,吃一口酸酸甜甜的,還是跟以前一樣,一片一片的吃得停不下來!馬上回購!