#亚米经验值+1# A1 Snack Research Institute Watermelon ~ St0 Toast, This brand focuses on its color from natural ingredients! Not only does it look good, it tastes like watermelon, The toast is also soft and delicious! Moreover, the independent packaging is convenient to carry, so you can satisfy your hunger at any time🤭
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# 亚米经验值+1 # A1零食研究所西瓜~ 味夹馅吐司, 这个牌子主打它的颜色来自天然的食材成分哦! 不仅颜值高吃起来有西瓜淡淡的清香, 吐司也是软软的很好吃吖! 而且独立包装携带方便,随时充饥🤭