#亚米经验值+1# Master Kong’s classic taste of stewed chicken noodles with mushrooms, this time I bought it in a bucket, and it can be eaten after a few minutes of brewing! The noodles are slightly different from the boiled ones and are more springy The shiitake mushrooms are smooth and tender, and the soup is mellow and fragrant with sesame oil! It’s a great deal at a discount 👏
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 康师傅经典口味香菇炖鸡面,这次买的是桶装的,冲泡几分钟就可以吃啦!面条与煮的稍有不同更加Q弹些 香菇滑嫩,汤汁醇厚油香油香的很有滋味哦! 打折入的所以超划算👏