# 亚米经验值+1 # Wangwang Langwei fairy pastoral vegetable flavor 70g. Repurchase 1. It's delicious.. I grew up with snacks. There was one who didn't eat it for two or three years, and was surprised again. I ordered 10 packs of repurchases in one go~ Necessary for parties~ Last time I ate with an American sister, and that sister kept going: ahhhhhhhhhhhh that's the taste! I haven't tasted anything like this in years since I left Japan! I quickly shared the product page with her!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 旺旺浪味仙田园蔬菜口味70g。回购款1.挺好吃的..我从小吃到大。有个两三年没吃了,再吃一次惊为天人。一口气下了10包回购~聚会必备~上次和一个美国姐妹一起吃,那个姐妹还一个劲的:啊啊啊啊就是这个味!我离开日本后好多年没吃到过这种味道的东西了!我赶紧把商品页面分享给她!