# 亚米经验值+1 # It was hot out of the box in March. People who grew up in the Northeast have never bought Cong Onion Companion. It was okay to try it in Yami after coming to the United States. Chive flower sauce and dried yellow sauce are also things I don’t know. I won’t search for them when I go to the local Asian Super League...but adding a shopping cart online is different. I want to try new things more. some. I have never tried the bamboo shoots and porridge this time, so happy!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 3月份热腾腾的开箱,在东北长大的人没买过从葱伴侣,来了美国后在亚米才开始尝试可还行。韭花酱和干黄酱也都是我不知道的东西,去了当地亚超我也不会特地跑去搜吧...但是网上加购物车就不同了,想要试新的心情会更多些。这次的竹笋和粥也都是没试过的,开心!