#亚米经验值+1# Tian Xiaohua's potato wide noodles are super delicious! This red oil wide powder is no exception. Wide fans are the family's favorite, every time you place an order, you must stock up, otherwise they will be out of stock soon. Whether it is the red oil type or the sesame sauce type, he likes it very much💕 He said that each one is covered with sauce, and it is very delicious to eat😆😆I seem to have only eaten this once, but the taste in memory is also the same delicious 🌚🌚
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 田小花家的土豆宽粉都超级好吃!这款红油宽粉也不例外。宽粉可是家属最爱,每次下单必囤,不然很快又没货了。无论是红油款的还是麻酱款的他都很喜欢💕说每一根都是裹满酱汁,吃着特别得劲儿😆😆我本人就好像只吃过一次这个,不过记忆中的味道也是好吃的🌚🌚