#亚米经验值+1# I don’t remember how many years I haven’t eaten Wangzai QQ candy. When I was a child, I liked to eat this kind of fruit gummy candy. It is sweet and has a very good taste. This time I bought lychee-flavored Wangzai QQ candy at YAMI, and when I opened the package, it was full of lychee flavor. There are only 10 capsules in this small package. Sometimes I like this small package. The small portion can control sugar and treat the gluttony! The same series of fruit-flavored Wangzai QQ candy, in addition to the lychee flavor I ate today, also has peach flavor, green apple flavor, pineapple flavor, strawberry flavor, grape flavor, etc. The happiest thing is that there is a comprehensive fruit flavor. Fruit gummy candies with a variety of flavors must be full of happiness!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 已經不記得多少年沒吃過旺仔QQ糖了,小時候很喜歡吃這種水果橡皮糖,甜甜的嚼起來又非常有口感。這次在 YAMI 亚米 買了荔枝味的旺仔QQ糖,一撕開包裝就是滿滿的荔枝味。這款小包裝的裡面就只有10顆,有時候還挺喜歡這種小小的包裝,份量不多可以控糖,專治嘴饞! 同一系列的水果口味旺仔QQ糖除了今天吃的荔枝味,還有水蜜桃味、青蘋果味、菠蘿味、草莓味、葡萄味等等,最幸福的是有一款是綜合水果口味的,一次擁有多種口味的水果橡皮糖一定是幸福感滿滿啦!