# 亚米经验值+1 #It was originally a single-entry rice crust without much hope But the truth is it's not bad crispy A pack of a few cents is very affordable At the same time, the two are not too big, just enough to control themselves Not afraid to eat too much at once Fragrant and crunchy Every drop is crunchy I don't know if it's because of the crispy rice made from millet So the more you chew, the more delicious it is, the more you eat the coarse grains, the more delicious it is In terms of taste, the five spices selected this time To be honest, five-spice powder doesn't taste bad More of a savory taste not spicy at all Salty and delicious, no matter how much you eat, you will not get tired Especially suitable for grinding teeth and making snacks in leisure time
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# 亚米经验值+1 #本来是凑单入的锅巴 没抱多大希望 但事实是还不错哟 酥酥脆脆的 几毛钱一小包的分量很实惠 同时两不算大 刚好可以控制自己 不怕一下子吃多 口感香香脆脆的 每一丢丢嘎嘣脆 不知道是不是因为小米做的锅巴 所以越嚼越香 粗粮那种越吃越香 口味上这次选的五香 说实话五香粉味道不重 更多是咸香的口味 完全不会辣 咸香鲜香的 吃多少都不会腻 特别适合做闲时磨牙做零食