#亚米经验值+1# I found that sago is finally on the shelves. I usually like to eat sago dew. Now I can buy it at Yami, so I don’t have to go to the supermarket anymore! The serving size of this pack is 500 grams, which is enough for me to eat more than a dozen times. This small sago is easy to boil without white core. When cooking sago, the ratio of sago to water is about 1:10, which is the most ideal. First boil the water, then pour the sago and cook on medium heat. You need to stir it during the process to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pot. Cook until the sago becomes soft. Turn off the heat when it is translucent, then cover the pot and simmer for about 10-15 minutes, and finally rinse it with cold drinking water and enjoy it! I usually add Coconut Tree Brand Coconut Juice and Xiaoxiongjiada Grass Jelly Powder, which I also bought at YAMI, and sometimes add fresh fruit to match, it is super suitable for dessert! This Thai Jade Leaf small sago vermicelli is not only easy to cook but also very affordable. It must be repurchased!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 發現終於有西米上架啦,平常就愛吃西米露,現在可以在亚米買到,再也不用特意跑到超市了! 這一包份量為500克,夠我吃十幾次了,這款小西米很容易煮開沒白芯。煮西米的時候西米和水的比例大概為1:10就最理想啦,先把水燒開,然後倒入西米中火煮,期間需要攪拌一下啊防治粘鍋底,煮到西米變半透明就可以關火,然後蓋上鍋蓋燜大概10-15分鐘,最後用飲用水過冷河沖洗一下就可以享用啦! 我通常加同樣是在YAMI 亚米買的椰樹牌椰汁和小熊駕到仙草粉,有時候還會加入新鮮水果搭配,當甜品吃超適合的! 這款泰國 Jade Leaf 小西米粉圓不僅容易煮而且價格也超划算的,必須回購!