#亚米经验值+1# This is the nth time I have purchased this cloud bamboo shoot tip. It is a must-have in the home of a bamboo shoot lover. I usually throw some into it when cooking, cooking hot pot, or cooking noodle soup. The taste is very good. , and the amount is very large, I have to divide it into 3 times for a pack of 500 grams before I finish it. This bamboo shoot has no taste of preserved water, nor does it have a smell like some yellow bamboo shoots... what it has is only the fragrance of the bamboo shoots themselves, which is very rare. Hope Yami can continue to supply this item. Because it was out of stock for a long time before, now that it is in stock, I have to stock up a few more packs.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 这款云笋笋尖已经是第n次购买了,是我这个吃笋爱好者的家中必备🤪🤪我平时炒菜,下火锅,或者煮粉面汤啥的都会往里头丢点进去,味道特别赞,而且量很大,一包500克我一个人要分3次才吃完。这款笋没有保存水的味道,也没有像有些黄黄的笋还有股臭味…它有的只是笋自身的清香,这就很难得了。希望亚米可以持续供应这款商品。之前因为断货了很久,现在看有货了都得赶紧多囤几包。