#亚米经验值+1# This is a mango-flavored soda produced by TOMOMASU. The soda has a lot of bubbles. When the cap is unscrewed, the bubbles rise up. It looks quite healing. The mango flavor is very strong, and it tastes sour and sweet, but in fact, this drink does not contain fruit juice, that is, the mango flavor is all obtained by mixing it, so it is better to drink as little as possible. But drinking a sip of frozen white peach flavored soda in midsummer must be super refreshing! In addition to the mango flavor and the white peach flavor I bought before, the same series also has cantaloupe, pineapple, watermelon, and durian flavors to choose from!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 這款是 TOMOMASU 出品的芒果味汽水,汽水的氣泡很足,一擰開瓶蓋氣泡就往上窜,看著感覺還挺治癒的。芒果味很濃,喝起來酸中帶甜,但其實這款飲品裡是不含果汁的,也就是芒果味全靠調出來,還是儘量少喝吧。但在盛夏時節喝上一口冰凍過的白桃味汽水,肯定是超爽的啦! 同系列的除了有芒果味和之前買過的白桃味之外,還有哈密瓜味、菠蘿味、西瓜味、榴槤味可選喔!