#亚米经验值+1# Xizhilang cici lychee-flavored jelly is cool. Xizhilang's jelly is so delicious, but I think this lychee flavor is a bit inferior, and I feel that the lychee flavor is a bit heavy. But as a patient with difficult choices, you must buy every flavor and try them all.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 喜之郎cici荔枝味果冻爽。喜之郎的果冻爽都那么的好喝,但是我觉得这个荔枝味的要逊色一点,感觉荔枝味的香精味有点重。但是作为一个选择困难症患者来说,一定要每个味道都买一遍,都尝尝。