March 14, 2023
# 亚米经验值+1 #Renhe Sea Salt Cleansing Mites and Acne Soap, plant herbal mild to remove mites, control oil and clear acne, cleansing and bathing, has the smell of ginseng, the foam is very delicate, does not dry the skin after washing, comes with a foaming net, and is fragrant after washing , the acne on the back is much better
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# 亚米经验值+1 #仁和海鹽淨蟎清痘皂,植物草本溫和去蟎,控油淨痘,潔面沐浴,有參的味,泡沫很細膩,洗完不乾皮,自帶起泡網,洗完香香的,背後的痘症好了許多