#亚米经验值+1# Taiwan Atlantic Apple Cider Sparkling Drink. The apple flavor inside is strong, it feels like very fresh apple juice, not like artificial flavors. The aroma of apples and the sparkling carbonation are perfectly combined. The taste is particularly fresh. Quietly tell you, the taste is better after refrigeration!
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 台湾大西洋苹果西打起泡饮料。里面的苹果味浓郁,是很新鲜的苹果汁的感觉,不像是人工香料。苹果的香味和碳酸起泡完美的融合在一起。口感特别的清新。悄悄地告诉你,冷藏后口感更佳哦!