#亚米经验值+1# Maxim Egg Roll It's so delicious that even the dregs are delicious Actually the packaging is very good basically nothing broken when eating when taking it out The round mouth of that box is so small And the egg rolls are too crispy will accidentally break It's okay if it's broken Eat the scum with a small spoon Nothing is wasted
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 美心蛋卷 好吃到 连渣渣都好吃的地步 其实包装很好 基本没啥碎的 就是吃的时候 往外拿的时候 那个盒子的圆圆的口 好小 而且蛋卷太酥了 会不小心碰碎 碎了没事啊 用小勺子吃掉渣渣 一点都不浪费呢