# 亚米经验值+1 #I just wanted to buy a pan CLASSIC Classic Pink Wooden Handle Frying Pan 24cm | Yamibuy It's very happy to look pink and tender And it's ceramic coating, I don't know if it will be healthier and safer Just in time for Friday's half-price flash sale I looked around, there is something I want to try Cuihong Five Spice Dipping Sauce Barbecue Barbecue Hot Pot Dry Dish Non Spicy 450g $4.70(Arrival Price) Cuihong’s brand of dipping sauce seems to be recommended by many friends Get a non-spicy one at half price, suitable for all ages, worth trying 【Low Calorie Light Food】Korean SLOW RABBIT Konjac Rice Risotto Spicy Seafood Flavor 270g【Microwave Instant Meal】 - Yami $1.75(arrive price) I feel that I can lose weight and control carbohydrates Can eat fast and eat well Japan RYUKAKUSAN Ryukakusan Special Throat Lozenges Kumquat Lemon Flavor 88g $4.00(Access Price) Is there someone in the family who has a sore throat recently? Get Ryukakusan at half price, be prepared If you add these things together, you will lose money if you don’t make up enough for free shipping. Five minutes before the start of the seckill, start frantically collecting orders Finally placed an order in a daze Fortunately, looking back, it's all useful things. Rubbing hands and looking forward to ing
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# 亚米经验值+1 #本来只想买个平底锅 CLASSIC 经典粉色木柄平底煎锅 24cm | 亚米 粉嫩嫩的看着就很开心 而且是陶瓷涂层 不知道会不会更健康安全些 刚好又赶上周五半价秒杀 看了一圈 有我想尝试的 翠宏 五香蘸料 烧烤烤肉火锅干料碟 不辣 450g $4.70(到手价) 翠宏这牌子的蘸料貌似很多小伙伴推荐 半价入手个不辣的 老少皆宜 值得尝试 【低卡轻食】韩国SLOW RABBIT 蒟蒻米烩饭 香辣海鲜味 270g【微波加热即食】 - 亚米 $1.75(到手价) 感觉可以又减肥又控碳水 又能吃的快吃的好 日本RYUKAKUSAN龙角散 特效润喉糖 金桔柠檬味 88g $4.00(到手价) 最近家里是不是就有人喉咙不舒服 半价入手个龙角散 有备无患啊 这几样加一起就觉得不凑够包邮就亏了 秒杀开始前五分钟开始疯狂凑单 最后稀里糊涂的下了一单 还好回头看看都是用得上的东西 搓搓小手期待ing