#亚米经验值+1# I have been in the United States for more than ten years, and I am not in the same city as my family. Gradually, festivals like the Mid-Autumn Festival have lost their sense of ritual. In recent years, because Yami has a variety of mooncake gift boxes every Mid-Autumn Festival, coincidentally, the sense of Mid-Autumn Festival ritual in our family has returned. The Liuxin mooncakes I tried in the first year 🥮, the delicious ones didn't care about the calorie overload. One after another, they also received various mooncake gift boxes, all of which were delivered through Yami. For example, Daoxiang Village, Snowy Mooncakes and so on. By the way, the mooncake gift box of Daoxiang Village is really heavy, and it is so golden! Last year, I sent a gift box of mooncakes with Spiderman lights to my cousin, because my little nephew loves Spiderman the most. Added Wangzai milk that my sister loves to drink😂 In fact, it is not only moon cakes, but also buy monkey mushrooms for family members in other cities to nourish their stomachs, and they also like to eat some snacks. Looking forward to this year's mooncake gift box! #亚米经验值+1#
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 来美国十年多了,跟家人不在一个城市,渐渐的中秋节这样的节日也没有了仪式感。 近几年因为亚米每到中秋都有各种各样的月饼礼盒,不约而同的,我们家的中秋仪式感又回来了。 第一年尝试的流心月饼🥮,好吃的都没有在乎卡路里爆棚这件事。 陆陆续续的也收到了各种各样的月饼礼盒,都是通过亚米送达的。例如稻香村、冰皮月饼等等。 话说稻香村的月饼礼盒真的非常有重量,金灿灿的太闪了! 去年给表姐家寄的有蜘蛛侠灯的月饼礼盒,因为我的小外甥最爱蜘蛛侠。外加了我姐爱喝的旺仔牛奶😂 其实不光是月饼,会给远在其他城市的家人买猴菇养胃,还有他们爱吃一些小零食。 期待今年的月饼礼盒! # 亚米经验值+1 #