#亚米经验值+1# Wangzai QQ sugar peach flavor. Last time I bought a small bag of 20g, but it was not enough to eat, so I bought this big bag this time, 70g. The peach flavor is my daughter's favorite, and the peach flavor is very strong. The QQ candies are very chewy, and you can't stop eating one after another.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 旺仔QQ糖水蜜桃味。上次买了20g的小袋的,奈何不够吃呀,所以这次买了这个大袋的,70g的。水蜜桃味的是我女儿最喜欢的了,水蜜桃味很浓。QQ糖很有嚼劲儿,一个接着一个根本停不下来。