# 亚米经验值+1 #It's been a long time since I planted annual ring cakes However, I have been procrastinating and procrastinating until recently This time I bought the milk flavor, which I understand is the original flavor The cake is as always conveniently packaged Small individual packaging in a bag Blindly guess that each piece is about one-sixth or one-eighth of a complete Baumkuchen The taste of the cake is soft and firm It's the winter of eating cakes At the same time, it feels a bit porcelain, so the topping effect of one is not bad. Fragrant and sweet in taste no outstanding taste The milk flavor is quite strong, but it's not astonishingly special😂 It's a delicious little cake But for personal taste, it's not amazing I prefer the same cocoa flavor from his family.
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# 亚米经验值+1 #被种草年轮蛋糕好久了 然而一直拖拖拖 最近才入手 这次入手的是牛乳味的 我理解的就是原味 蛋糕一如既往的包装方便 一袋里面就小颗独立包装 盲猜每一颗大概是六分之一或八分之一个完整年轮蛋糕 蛋糕的口感属于又软又扎实的感觉 就是吃的吃蛋糕的冬天 同时 又觉得有点瓷实 所以一颗的顶饱效果也不错 口味上 香香甜甜的 没有什么特别突出的味道 奶香味挺足的 但也没有惊为天人的特别😂 总之是款好吃的小蛋糕 但个人口味而言 并没有惊艳 更喜欢他家同款可可味道的