# 亚米经验值+1 #Baby Today's Recipe: Steamed Chicken Wings ➕ Zucchini ➕ Coarse Grain Mantou Use the Beiding steamer to get it done in one layer Simple and convenient operation Brother Xiao Ma eats happily, and the old mother makes it easy Brother Ma, who loves noodles, loves coarse grain steamed buns Ready-made coarse-grain steamed buns bought for convenience Use the Beiding steamer to steam for 5 minutes and it will be soft and soft, just like new ones The chicken wings need to be steamed for a little longer, about 20-25 minutes Brother Xiaoma gradually doesn't like completely original food In order to increase appetite, start to add a few grains of salt to him appropriately For chicken wings, you can mix a few drops of light soy sauce with a small bowl of water Then soak the chicken wings in soy water and add two slices of ginger for steaming Cut the zucchini into small pieces and steam them for 6 or 7 minutes until they are soft At the beginning, I bought Beiding steamer to steam buns for myself. As a result, I have a baby. If there is no bun, there is no time to fix it. But I made a lot of supplementary food for Xiao Ma In the later period, he ate solid food. Up to now, Xiao Ma basically eats more than half of his meals. It's all done by the Beiding steamer.
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# 亚米经验值+1 #宝宝今日食谱之清蒸鸡翅➕西葫芦➕粗粮馒头 用北鼎蒸锅 一层就可以搞定 操作简单 又方便 小马哥吃的开开心心 老母亲做的也轻松 爱吃面食的小马哥对粗粮馒头超爱 为了省事买的现成的粗粮馒头 用北鼎蒸锅蒸个5min就软软乎乎的 跟新出锅的一样 鸡翅要蒸的时间久一点 大概20-25min左右 小马哥逐渐不喜欢完全原味的食物了 为了增加食欲 开始给他适当的加稍稍的几粒盐 鸡翅的话 可以用几滴生抽兑一小碗水 然后把鸡翅泡在生抽水里 加两片姜进行蒸煮 西葫芦切小块 基本蒸个6、7min就软了 当初买北鼎蒸锅是为了给自己蒸包子吃 结果有了娃 包子是没包子是没时间整了 不过倒是给小马哥做了好多辅食 后期吃固体食物 到现在 小马哥基本一半以上的饭 都是北鼎蒸锅搞定的呢