# 亚米经验值+1 #Basically, every time I buy Yami in recent months, I will put breadsticks in it However, the one I entered before seems to be from the Le Jin Kee Baby Hungry series. But this time, it is the simple Lok Kam Kee milk-flavored original torn stick bread When I got it, I didn't know the difference After getting it, it looks exactly the same as the Baby Hungry series in appearance There are about a dozen individually wrapped bread sticks in a pack. The independent packaging is really super convenient, grab two at any time and just put them in the bag Can take out and eat two bites anytime, anywhere Just look at the appearance of bread sticks, they are actually very similar The taste is fragrant and milky It's not too sweet at all, and there's a little bit of sweetness in it The milk flavor is also relatively strong, and it tastes pretty good That's why I'm entering again and again 😁 In terms of taste, I don’t know if it’s an illusion The Le Jin Kee I bought this time is relatively "hard", and it is easier to tear and layer by hand. When the baby is hungry, it is relatively softer, but it is basically impossible to tear the layers by hand. can only eat by biting Personal feeling no difference Basically, whichever is available on Yamibuy or whichever is discounted can be purchased 😁
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# 亚米经验值+1 #基本最近几个月每一次买亚米都会入面包棒 不过之前入的貌似是乐锦记的宝宝饿了系列的 但这次入的 就是简单的乐锦记奶香原味撕棒面包 入手的时候 其实我也不知道有什么区别😂 到手之后 从外观上看跟宝宝饿了系列完全一样 都是一包里面大概十几支独立包装的面包棒 独立包装真的超级方便 随时抓两根刚在包包里 随时随地都能拿出来吃两口 单看面包棒外观 其实也很像 口味上都是香香的奶香口味 完全不会过甜 又有一丢丢香甜在 奶香味也比较浓 吃起来还是蛮不错的 所以我才会入了又入呀😁 口感上 不知道是不是错觉 这次入手的乐锦记 相对“硬”一丢丢 手撕分层更容易一点 而宝宝饿了 相对更松软 但基本没法手撕分层 只能靠咬着吃 个人感觉 没什么区别 基本就是亚米上 哪种有货 或者哪种打折就入哪种😁