There are crystal clear white rock sugar and "more natural looking" yellow rock sugar. Rock sugar tastes sweet and must-have for every household cooking In fact, besides the good taste, rock sugar is more effective than brown sugar. Rock sugar is cold, especially in summer. Rock sugar soup is more conducive to clearing away heat and heat. Friends who often cough due to fire or throat dryness can use rock sugar to stew pears to relieve coughing effect. Clearly clears lung heat #亚米经验值+1#
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冰糖有晶莹剔透的白冰糖和“看起来更天然”的黄冰糖 冰糖口感清甜 家家户户做饭必备 其实冰糖除了口感好更主要的是功效和红糖相反冰糖属凉性特别是夏天冰糖煮汤更有利于清火消热 经常由于上火或咽部干痒咳嗽的朋友 可以用冰糖炖雪梨来缓解咳嗽 效果显而易见 还能清肺热 # 亚米经验值+1 #